This textbook, Online Teaching and Learning: Course Design Basics, was specifically curated to provide you with resources for designing your own online course. You will discover materials selected to aid you in accomplishing your online teaching and learning design goals.

Online Teaching and Learning: Course Design Basics  was created during a summer Open Educational Resource (OER) grant cohort program hosted by Saint Peter’s University in Jersey City, NJ. The program was funded by a U.S. Department of Education Title V grant aimed to support faculty members in creating and sharing openly licensed course materials.

**Note: To start reading this book, click CONTENTS (left hand side)—>> Online Teaching and Learning (Chapters). This will bring you to the chapters of this textbook. Good luck!

This book was created using Pressbooks and by cloning this book:

Online Course Development Basics

Author: Jeani Young, Ph.D

This book also uses many ideas from this book:

Creating Online Learning Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small and Private to Massive and Open

Authors: Matt Crosslin, et al.

**Note: Many thanks to authors Young and Crosslin as well as to any other authors that were mentioned in this textbook.


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Online Teaching & Learning Copyright © 2023 by Trustees of Indiana University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.